30 best healthy foods that are good for your skin (Diet for clear glowing skin)

A glowing face and clear skin bespeaks of people who genuinely love themselves and what is better than to be totally comfortable in your skin? In the humdrum of today’s life, it is getting increasingly difficult for people to maintain a healthy lifestyle and make informed choices about eating. Luckily, there are more than enough foods that you can add to your diet that will help you get healthy and clear skin

We treat ourselves to junk food, sleep post-midnight, stay glued to our phones day and night, spray chemicals luxuriously on our face and skin, drink to our fullest and then wonder why we don’t have clear and glowing skin. We are our skin’s worst enemies and don’t leave any chance to blame the outer stimulus for the deteriorating skin health.

One has to remember that with age, the skin does not get any younger and therefore it is important to take care of it on day to day basis to be able to reap the benefits of happy skin over a period of time.

Linden Tyler once said, “Invest in your skin. It is going to represent you for a very long time.” What we eat plays an important role in how it affects our skin. What you eat, becomes who you are and this does not need any scientific proof. If you eat well and healthy for even a week, it will clearly show up on your face.

Why not keep this skin – our first covering, our only natural cosmetic, forever glowing? 

30 best healthy foods that are good for your skin

1. Walnuts

Walnuts are a rich resource!

One might be aware of the various cosmetic brands that use walnut extracts for nutritional benefits. We have to acknowledge that this brain shaped dry fruit is an essential ingredient in our daily lives. From cookies to chocolates, from dry fruit boxes to plum or dry fruit cakes, walnut is widely loved by our taste buds.

The health benefits of walnuts are way too many and if made a part of our diet, it ends up helping our heart, our immunity, our brain, our bone strength. It is highly nutritious during the pregnancy period, for people who suffer from inflammatory diseases, or from problems pertaining to the digestive track.

Besides all of these, walnut is known to delay skin aging. Being a rich source of Vitamin-B, it lowers our stress levels, thereby avoiding an early onset of wrinkles. Science shows that combination of Vitamin B and Vitamin E provided by walnuts, delays the process of aging.

Walnuts also promote the growth of healthy cells. This leads to keeping the skin well moisturized, rendering a radiant look. For those of us who do suffer from dry skin way too frequently, eating a few walnuts daily must come in handy, and applying warm walnut oil should do the trick.

2. Pumpkin seeds

They are abundant in vitamins and minerals, and have therefore been titled as Superfoods. They have plenty of antioxidants, minerals such as copper, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and vitamins A, E, B and K.

A rich combination of all of these as present in pumpkin seeds help us fight and win the battle of early aging, which is usually caused due to exposure to UV rays. The oxidative damage thus caused that leads to pigmentation or wrinkles, can be batted by the antioxidants and Vitamins E and A present in pumpkin seeds.

Also zinc that is present in pumpkin seeds can help fight acne. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect helps calm the sebaceous glands thereby reducing acne. Pumpkin seeds do serve as a natural moisturizer too. The unsaturated fatty acids in them help us avoid dry skin problems.

Pumpkin seeds are the answer to a wide range of skin problems. It is advised to chew the seeds properly before ingesting them.

3. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe or musk melon, is a round fruit which is yellow or orange from the inside with off white seeds in the centre. The fruit in itself is very valuable for good health, as it helps take care of our eyesight, weight, sustains the nutritional value during pregnancy owing to its high fibre content.

It is good for the hair, lungs, heart and for conditions such as insomnia, high stress levels, and kidney disorders such as diabetic neuropathy. The skin benefits that one can reap out of this fruit are extraordinary. The water content of the fruit hydrates the skin thoroughly. Vitamin B helps keep the skin rejuvenate and Vitamin K and E make the skin appear radiant, all in all making our skin healthy.

Vitamin C prevents damage, prevents wrinkles, sustains the skin’s elasticity and also keeps the skin glowing, while Vitamin A helps the cells regenerate. The fruit, if consumed in a juice form is an effective treatment against eczema. Mothers can always keep cantaloupe juice as a reminder for it can be used as first aid for immediate abrasions or instantaneous burns.

4. Strawberries

The Tempting Fruit!

A lot of scientific studies have revealed alpha-hydroxy acid to be having anti- aging properties. Guess what, our perfect strawberry houses this rare content that eliminates dead cells efficiently.

It also contains salicylic and ellagic acid that reduce spotty pigmentation and dark spots. It therefore cleanses the skin, helps reduce aging and prevents acne. It also has skin-lightening attributes that help improve one’s complexion.

The red of the strawberry has anthocyanins that protect us from UV Rays. Also, the manganese content in the fruit, tones our skin.

5. Kale

“The queen of greens”

The green vegetable that is an important salad and soup ingredient is usually used as a digestive ingredient known for being rich in fibre. It is parallel to an orange in its Vitamin A and C content.

It is useful in a lot of areas such as inflammation, weight loss, lung or oral diseases, etc. Vitamin A helps the skin repair the underlying tissues, while Vitamin K takes care of the dark circles beneath the eyes.

Vitamin C reduces the damage caused to the exposed skin and prevents premature aging.

6. Olive oil

“Liquid Gold”

Olive oil with its numerous benefits, and endless positives, is undoubtedly the healthiest vegetable oil. Olive oil is a package of three antioxidants which are polyphenols, phytosterols and Vitamin E.

Olive oil is all in a all a beauty enhancer. Whether consumed directly in your diet or applied in raw form, it helps smoothen the skin. It protects our skin from UV rays while preventing aging.

It also makes for a thorough cleansing product that does not let the skin pores clog, by removing the dead cells. An interesting fact to note is that olive oil is today being used as a successful substitute for moisturizers and shaving creams.

7. Chia seeds

Chia seeds are an exquisite amalgamation of protein, potassium, magnesium, zinc, fibre, omega 3 fats, and Vitamin E. They together do wonders for our skin.

On one hand where Vitamin E combats wrinkles, and inflammation; the omega 3 fats that exist in abundance and zinc, combat acne and balance the hormonal flow. All of this leads to reduced stress levels, making the skin appear soft, smooth and supple.

8. Watermelon

The 93% water, and 6% sugar, fruit is a perfect “Summer beat”. It perfectly quenches our thirst during the summer. While doing so, it supplies our body with antioxidant lycopene and a lot of Vitamin A.

The Vitamin A works towards revitalizing our skin. It reduces the amount of oil secreted by our sebaceous glands, thereby making our skin appear fresh and oil free. It tones the skin, and can also be used to treat sunburns.

9. Avocado

Avocado is another super food that contains vitamins, minerals, and a lot of antioxidants. It has properties that check the onset of wrinkles, thereby checking aging in its tracks.

Avocado, consumed directly or as a juice, or applied on the skin as oil, nourishes the skin. The fats in the fruit are a close match to our body and that is what makes it suitable to treat skin conditions. Moreover, it acts as a natural sunscreen.

10. Coconut

Coconut, besides being nutrition rich, happens to have anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. It can be consumed raw as the fruit, or can be applied on the skin directly. It acts as a perfect cleanser, and is often used as a night moisturiser to give the skin a smooth texture.

It is a specific recommendation for those who suffer from atopic dermatitis. It also has healing properties that help repair any cracks in the skin. Coconut Oil is also a great tool to remove any blemishes and scars on the skin.

11. Tomato

The staple fruit in each kitchen can also be used as a good remedy for acne, rashes, sunburn or dull skin. Tomatoes do not only help with anti-aging but help repair damage at a cellular level.

They reduce the free radicals formed in the body, thereby allowing the body to retain moisture. A raw tomato can also be applied to oily skin, leading to a rejuvenated glow.

12. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate, which comes from cacao beans, happens to be packed with nutrients and antioxidants. Other than being a cardiovascular system-friendly food item, it is also great for the skin. It protects the skin from damage keeping it juvenile.

It can help you achieve flawless skin with a smooth complexion. In combination with caffeine it gets rid of the dead cells, enabling the skin to breathe. It is an exceptional choice to reduce stress hormones.

13. Peppermint

Peppermint happens to be known for the minty touch which makes it refreshing. This resource is packed with omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium, iron, Vitamins A and C, potassium and copper. It is known to make our skin brighter. Also, it works to un-clog the pores and thus prevents acne.

14. Fennel

Fennel seeds, or saunf are aromatic herbs loaded with antioxidants. They have antiseptic properties; help improve the overall texture of our skin, while imparting a cooling effect.

They reduce inflammation; help maintain an oxygen balance; fight aging; and are a cure for acne. They help our skin appear young.

15. Grapes

The welcome fruit is a mother’s secret to reduce aging, keeping the skin supple, to lighten any scars or to even the skin tone. They have been known to treat eczema, psoriasis and allergies.

16. Cucumber

Cucumber more than anything is moisture rich. The water content helps enliven the skin. It is also used to reduce tanning, remove the puffiness around the eyes, and battle cellulite. The low calorie vegetable has abundant electrolytes to maintain energy and keep the skin radiating.

17. Oranges

Oranges have antioxidants to take care of our aging worries; Vitamin C to take care of the dark spots, the blemishes; and citric acid and dietary fibre to treat acne.

It is also a natural bleaching agent that results in a lighter skin tone. It is used in various methods to tone the skin and to remove blackheads.

18. Beetroot

Beetroot is another super food, with limited calories and essential nutrients that prevents aging, moisturizes our skin and removes spots.

19. Brown rice

The surprise is that it contains Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, E and K all together, besides the other minerals. Healthy is a small word to describe its advantages for it saves us from acne, stalls aging, reduces oily skin produced by white rice intake, while maintaining the skin’s elasticity and making your skin look youthful.

20. Alfalfa

Alfalfa is known as the ‘father of all foods’. It has had a history of being used as a medicinal plant, and is now used as a modern day detoxifier. The chlorophyll acts to cleanse our skin and body of all impurities, and in combination with Vitamin A, it never lets us go through dry skin issues.


Garlic can boastfully be called as the master of all trades. It possesses a rare mineral called selenium that in combination with Vitamin E, and the presence of sulphur helps fight skin infections and prevent skin cancer.

Garlic, not being the first choice for raw consumption, can be used in many forms to treat acne and pimples, get rid of blackheads, stretch marks, and to minimize skin pores. Garlic can be completely counted upon for clear and glowing skin.

22. Green tea

Green tea is a strong antioxidant loaded beverage that keeps away allergies, keeps the skin rejuvenated and protected from sun damage. Also, the polyphenols present stall aging very successfully.

23. Broccoli

Broccoli, the green leafy vegetable used in salads can be eaten both raw and cooked, and like others, has dietary fibers, minerals, and antioxidants that do wonders for our skin. It maintains skin health by developing your skin’s immune system and being the best sunscreen ever.

24. Honey

Honey was earlier used by athletes to endure muscle fatigue. It can be consumed or applied and gives an instant boost to your skin making it glowing and hydrated. It enables the skin to be moisturized and flawless. Acne is a bygone gift that comes along with it.

25. Cheese

Being a rich source of Vitamin B, it is considered essential for the health of our skin. It helps in regulating our metabolism, promoting the growth of healthy cells, enabling our supple skin to retain and keep the glow.

26. Water

Just like you depend on water to maintain personal hygiene and cleanliness so your skin looks and feels great, water works wonders on the inside too. Make it a habit to drink plenty of water. Water also provides a number of trace minerals and nutrients which aren’t easily available unless you eat plenty of green foods.

27. Oats

A bowl of oats is a bowl full of fiber. It is the perfect mix of proteins and carbohydrates. The Scottish cereal promotes general health overall and as for our dear skin, it is used to treat and prevent acne, treat dryness, itching, scales and rashes.

It is an edible skin moisturizer for it removes our dead cells. It lightens your skin tone, acts as a natural cleanser and moisturizes the skin from within.

28. Sweet potato

Contrary to the potato that we are too careful to consume, the sweet potato is one of the most nutritious foods out there due to vitamins, minerals and omega three fatty acids present.

It treats oily skin, takes care of the cracks in the skin, acts as an anti-stress agent, and a moisturizer for the skin. It is a beauty food for it takes care of puffy eyes and also helps smoothen your skin.

29. Artichoke

Artichoke, as suggested by dietitians is low on calories, rich in fibre and is able to render an overall young appearance. The antioxidants present in artichokes prevent wrinkles so much that it is used in various cosmetics as an anti- aging agent. Maintaining youthful skin is no more a dream with the regular intake of artichoke.

30. Watercress

Watercress from the mustard family is divine for our skin. Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, it has been used to cure skin infections for a long time. It works towards soothing the skin while protecting it from skin cancer.


It is after all not that difficult to adhere to a good and healthy eating regime. Most of these foods are readily available and need no special treatment before consumption. The point is to realize that if by doing something as simple as using the above foods in our diet, we can get great skin then it is worth all the effort.

Let us then not fall into the tempting trap of junk foods and late night binging and create a lifestyle that is in sync with our larger life goals of being healthy and beautiful.

Which of these foods have helped you get clear glowing skin? Let us know in the comments below

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