12 Best Anti-Aging Secrets to Make You Look and Feel Young at Any Age

Clear, glowing skin is a sign of good health and one of the indicators by which humans judge another’s genetic potential is young looking skin. Skin clarity peaks just before puberty, post which, those lucky enough to win the genetic lottery escape the ravages of puberty on the skin.

Pimples, acne, rashes and blackheads are a rite of passage that almost all teenagers (barring some lucky exceptions) must face and unfortunately, sometimes these little issues are carried forward well into adulthood.

Those blessed with sensitive skin are well acquainted with the blemishes left behind for months by a little pimple that probably matured and disappeared within only a week.

The worst part of having to deal with typically harmless skin infections such as some forms of pimples and acne are the scars left behind that do not fade away easily.

Healthy looking skin is treasured world over and for good reason. Blemish-free skin is associated with good health and youth, which in turn is an instinctual measure of attractiveness that finds its roots in evolution.

Anti-aging secrets have been passed down from generation to generation, each culture cautiously guarding its techniques from the prying eyes of others to ensure that their anti-aging secrets are carried forward undisclosed.

Today it is much more easy to access anti-aging skin care tips, given that beauty information is freely available, including some bizarre methods adopted by pop culture celebrities such as Kim Kardashian.

Sometimes the best solutions to problems, however, are the easy ones. One needn’t waste time and money hunting for exotic face packs that purify and declog the skin, most likely, the solutions to all your skin problems lies in a little box in your kitchen containing a golden powder that you add in your food for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

Yes, it’s as simple as that- the best anti-aging skin care secrets for young looking skin are those habits that your mother taught you as a small child but have been forgotten in the throes of growing up.

The following tips, a collection of anti-aging secrets passed down by expert beauty gurus, are a simple guide to attaining what seems like the unachievable, in just ten days.

1. Water, the nectar of life

The reason why people perceive clear skin as a sign of good health is because most of the time, it is. The benefits of water are well known.

It nourishes the cells, flushes toxins and waste out of the body and gives your skin a glow that only a well-hydrated body can portray.

What is not spoken about however, are the ill effects of too much water on the body. Drinking enough water is one of the most commonly advised anti-aging skin care tip and for good reason.

The next time you are confused between ordering a bottle of Pepsi or Nimbooz at dinner, skip both and opt for plain old water instead.

Just make sure you don’t go overboard, and water will be your best friend in transporting you to clear skin land. Think of it as bathing your body from the inside.

On that note, also appreciate the soothing and calming effect of water on the skin from the outside. It’s a good idea to splash a handful of water on your face after spending some time in the sun to cool it down.

2. Pump up your heart-rate

No, we’re not asking you to swipe left on your Tinder (although one website suggests falling in love helps keep you healthy). It’s time to make the best use of that gym subscription you totally side-lined to watch your favourite TV shows, which is one of the worst things you could do to yourself.

Regular exercise encourages blood flow in the body, which simply means that the skin cells are pumped with oxygen and nutrients much faster than if you were sedentary.

This anti-aging skin care tip is extremely important for collagen production- collagen is the magic element that makes the skin supple, strong and elastic.

Something that declines naturally with age, collagen production can be increased and sustained for a longer time by ensuring regular exercise.

Simply put, increased blood flow helps take away the bad stuff from your cells and pumps it chock full of everything your skin needs to put its best foot forward.

3. Sweat is not your enemy

An unusual cultural phenomenon that has developed recently is the mindset that sweating is gross and the sign of an unhygienic disposition. This couldn’t be far from the truth, however. Sweating is a completely natural bodily process that helps expel impurities from the skin and clears it up.

Pimples and acne are signs of clogged pores and sweating is the body’s way of unclogging and destressing the pores from these impurities.

Using sanitized, perfumed napkins on the face to clean the skin could be counter-productive as not only could the alcohol in it be drying your skin and in turn promoting the formation of rashes and other skin impediments, the perfume in the napkins could be irritating the skin further and leading to the creation of even more blemishes.

Saunas and steam baths work to help the skin around the same principle, that is, they encourage the skin to open its pores and sweat it all out.

A good way to implement this anti-aging skin care advice is by exercising to promote sweating. Just be sure you don’t let your sweat sit on your skin for too long. Use ordinary soap and water to cleanse yourself, and give the anti-perspirants a break.     

4. Shield your skin from the sun

Sun damage is the number one reason behind early aging of the skin. Photo-aging, that is, the development of brown spots, wrinkles and dryness is a punishment faced by many who spend too much time out in the sun, unprotected. 

The phenomenon is the skin’s natural response to overexposure to the sun’s damaging rays and can also lead to cancer. The Indian population is made up of a variety of types of skins, each with its own benefits and weaknesses.

In terms of ability to shield itself from the sun, darker skin tones and thicker skins are typically better equipped to deal with the sun’s unforgiving gaze. Fear not, the outlook is not bleak for the rest of the population.

Some popular ways to protect yourself from the sun include wearing wide brimmed hats, avoiding going out in the sun during peak hours, that is between 11 A.M. to 5 P.M., using generous amounts of sun protection creams such as high SPF sun-blocks and sunscreens and wearing clothes that cover the skin, adding an extra layer of protection.

Protection from the sun is one of the oldest and best anti-aging skin care practices that has been carried out for generations before this one.

5. Watch what you apply on your face

There is no dearth of beauty care products in the market. According to this website, the beauty industry in India stands at about Rs.61534 crores- it’s no wonder that the average customer is so confused about what products are actually necessary to use.

There are so many brands competing to capture your attention and a place on your shelf! However, understand that the most basic and best anti-aging skin care tip is– to keep it simple.

Often, all our skin needs to thrive is a clean surface, protection from the elements and adequate nourishment, all of which can easily be done at home.

Some beauty products , such as cosmetics, contain chemicals that not only damage your skinin the long run but also potentially lead to cancer.

Sure, the short-term results could make you an instant hit among your colleagues and friends, but is worth it to pay hefty doctor’s bills later for a few moments of glory?

Opt for organic replacements to your typical beauty products, or reduce your usage of them if you simply cannot part with your favourite foundation.

6. Don’t let stress get the best of you

Stressing is one of the worst things that a human can naturally do that destroys not just skin health but also overall health. Every time you put yourself under intense stress, your body releases stress hormones to cope and this gives you headaches, anxiety, chest pains, increased blood pressure and leaves behind signs of stress on your skin.

To stress is normal, your role in deciding the fate of your health is vital when it comes to determining how you choose to cope with stress. Turning to quick fix options such as alcohol and cigarettes are a terrible thing to do and only worsen your skin health, giving you early wrinkles, skin discolouration, dryness and dehydrates your skin, thereby resulting in a loss of elasticity.

This is often when people turn to make-up to hide the signs of stress on their skin, however, as mentioned earlier, all make-up does is give you short term results. It’s a vicious cycle that finds its roots in poor stress management. Stressing can also cause hormonal imbalances, that in turn lead to even more skin problems.

7. Discover the benefits of meditation

One of the best anti-aging skin care techniques developed by ancient Indian yogis, the health benefits of meditation are well known in the Indian society.

Better oxygen intake, better focus, concentration and purification of the entire body are only a few of the benefits offered by this ancient Indian art. Yoga and meditation has brought peace and satisfaction to the lives of many.

It should come as no surprise then that meditation is also one route to clearer, glowing skin. Deep breathing gets rid of toxins from the body that would otherwise make their presence known on the face in the form of pimples.

Some cultures believe that the facial skin is a map to the rest of the body, with problems arising in each area an indication of some underlying health issues.

Meditation opens the door to access your own body and heal it from the inside. Via deep-breathing exercises and practiced observation of the consciousness, some experts suggest that a meditator can heal his or her skin from within.

If nothing else, meditation is a sure-fire solution to destressing yourself and that itself is something your body will thank you for! If you find it hard to meditate on your own, guided meditation is something you can consider.

8. Sleep long and sleep well

Who doesn’t enjoy a good night’s sleep to feel well-rested and ready to tackle the day’s challenges? Sadly, today it is normal to sleep fewer hours every day and the inability to sleep enough due to work pressure has become something to brag about rather than something to seriously consider changing.

There is a reason why it is called ‘beauty’ sleep. Your eyes are the first to reveal how little you have rested your body, followed closely by your skin.

This is one anti-aging skin care practice that cannot be foregone. Those precious hours of the night allow your skin to regenerate while also benefitting from increased blood flow to the cells.

Ensure that your covers are regularly changed, as your pillows host the most amount of dead skin cells shed by your body during the night.

Deep breathing exercises just before you tuck yourself into the covers and resting in the shavasan posture are two ways to send your body on a peaceful joyride through dreamland.

9. Stuff your plate with fruits and vegetables

This is one of those anti-aging secrets that we all should pay heed to regardless of whether we desire young looking skin or not. Your diet is one of the biggest factors in determining your overall health.

lifestyle with a good diet promotes good cell turnover, helps you manage stress better, keeps you feeling energized and keeps most health issues at bay.

It is said that gut health is reflected in the entire body. Fruits and vegetables are typically high in water content as well, another important factor that makes your skin glow.

Vitamin E, a source of antioxidants and free radicals is responsible for giving the skin a beautiful glow– that is why Vitamin E popularly features on a lot of beauty products as the star ingredient.

Concentrated Vitamin E capsules are available in the market that can be consumed directly or even broken open and used as oil directly onto the skin.

Fish oil is another good source of Vitamin E and can be enjoyed directly from the source (whip yourself up some delicious fish fry or fish curry) or even in the form of capsules. Foods rich in good fats, such as salmon, flaxseed and almonds also help deliver sheen to your skin.  

10. Protect your skin from pollution

Pollution is truly a silent killer. Over time your senses adapt and are numbed by the overdose of Carbon Monoxide in the air and it takes a trip to the forest to realize what it feels like to breathe in fresh air.

If you desire to preserve young looking skin, do not ride on the bus or on a scooter without adequate protection for your face. Always use a scarf or a face mask paired with sunglasses to protect your eyes, the sensitive skin around your eyes as well as the rest of your face from harsh pollutants present in the city air.

If possible, avoid travelling by open vehicles because breathing in polluted air over a period of long term will damage your skin from the inside as well, the effects of which are much harder to reverse than just surface damage.

To truly understand how pollution affects your skin, spend a day outside with a bare face and when you return home, wipe your skin with a cotton ball dipped in some cleansing milk and see what your face has been subjected to all day- it’s not a pretty sight. Use this anti-aging skin care step for fresh and young looking skin.

11. Maintain a regular skin-care routine

While it does not have to be too elaborate, a regular skin-care routine is a must for young looking skin. Your skin could do with a little pampering occasionally, so do not hesitate to indulge in some massages at nearby spa or beauty parlour (just make sure that the beauticians or masseuse is well-trained and knows what he or she is doing).

Before sleeping, make it a daily habit to clean and moisturize. Cleansing will help save your skin from a lot of damage because it takes away all the impurities that have settled onto your skin throughout the day and gives your face a clean palette to work on during the night.

The pores of your skin will thank you for helping them breathe better during the night and multiply better. Your skin needs to be hydrated from within and from the outside.

Drinking regular water helps your cells absorb nutrients betters, whereas applying moisturizer regularly gives your skin the extra kick it needs to glow from the outside.

Even a simple layer of yoghurt or rubbing a little coconut oil works well as a moisturizer. It helps if you understand what kind of skin you have- dry, oily or combination, to identify what kind of moisturizer you should be using.

12. Keep your nails trimmed and dandruff treated

Or keep them clean at the very least. The nail is a hotspot for dirt and bacteria to collect and even when it looks polishes and harmless on the outside, be assured that it is not.

Young looking skin is free of boils and what most people are not aware of is the fact that quite often, outbreaks on the forehead are the result of dandruff falling onto the forehead, mixing with sebum and clogging the pores.

Use an anti-dandruff shampoo and observe the difference in your forehead to understand if dandruff indeed is the reason behind itchy skin and outbreaks.

Dandruff does not necessarily occur only on the forehead, there is a good chance that dandruff from the eyebrows fall into the eyes or onto the cheek area and cause damage.

Every time you touch your face, you are transferring the bacteria from your fingers onto the skin. Scratching your face causes double trouble- not only are you irritating the skin, you are introducing more bacteria to your skin and creating the ideal mix for an inflammation.

If you are a long nails addict, use an old toothbrush and some hand soap to regularly clean the nails and avoid touching the skin as far as possible.

This is one anti-aging skin care tip that does not seem all that crucial, but go for 10 days without touching your face and notice how pimples in otherwise recurring areas fail to show up.


It may seem like too much work and a distant dream to attain radiating young looking skin for years and not just days but it is totally worth the effort.

All the above tips not only contribute to good skin health, but also help sustain overall health. Good skin habits can be cultivated over a period until it becomes a natural part of the lifestyle and does not feel like extra work anymore.

Following a good diet is the biggest step you can take towards achieving a celebrity-like complexion, however you do not have to punish yourself by completely cutting out your favourite fried foods.

Go ahead and indulge in a pani-puri competition or pig out on burgers and pizzas occasionally, after all, at the end of the day the skin reflects the body and the soul.

A happy mind and body is automatically radiated through the skin and people will recognize you for your beauty both on the inside as well as on the outside.

Focus on feeding your soul as you feed your body as well. Contributing to charity and dedicating some time and energy towards the betterment of society will give you an inner glow that nobody else will be able to replicate!

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